Delineate - raster to SVG converter
Downloads for the Delineate 0.5 release:
Follow the installation notes to install Delineate.
Change notes
0.5 release
- Users can now choose to convert to SVG with potrace instead of AutoTrace - otrace produces superior black and white SVG results compared to AutoTrace.
- Increased number of supported raster input formats by using
Java Imaging Utilities (JIU). Now support: JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PNM, PBM, PGM, PPM, IFF, PCD, PSD, RAS.
- User prompted to select the location of the autotrace or potrace application file when running a conversion for the first time. In earlier releases an environment variable needed to be set.
0.4.2 release
- Fixes bug that occurred when running group by color optimization in Windows.
0.4.1 release
- No longer use style attribute in output SVG, now use separate fill and stroke
- Reload image after doing group by color optimization. Sometimes group by color
optimization results in the color layers being in the wrong sequence on the
image, obscuring some image details.
0.4 release
- Now offer a choice of three SVG path grouping options:
- No groups
- Group by color - use with color count setting to reduce file size.
- One group
Using 'group by color' or 'no groups' result in files that are easier to edit in Sodipodi.
- Removed the create SVG style definitions option, because Mozilla and Sodipodi don't handle style definitions well. Use 'group by color' instead.
- Fixed bug with result file being lost when output file setting is changed.
0.3.1 release
- Fixed bugs related to filenames that have spaces in them.
- Fixed bug that occurred when new result was significantly smaller in size than the previous result.
0.3 release
- Reduced output file sizes, through the use of more concise SVG syntax, and the optional creation of SVG style definitions.
- Improved handling of background color settings; background color, if set, is now added to the result SVG.
- Previous result view and/or settings panel can be hidden.
- Number of SVG paths in result is displayed in status bars.
- A few bug fixes.
0.2 release
- Key bindings and popup menu for zoom, scroll, reset and view source actions.
- Ability to save, load and delete settings configurations.
- Status bar for each of the two SVG result panels.
- File sizes are displayed.
- File browser dialog for input and output file selection.
- Color chooser dialog for background color selection.
0.1 release